May 31 & June 2
Hi Folks!
Another stellar week at the farm! We have been rounding out our field crew for the season. The full on flower crew had their first week of work. We are adding water to everything to help our crops survive with health and vigor. And the greenhouse is taking just bit of breath after plugging away for the past 2 months but those plant starts are worth it! We still have plenty of plants to choose from if you're planning a home garden! ~Farmer Chris
The Summer Share runs for 13 weeks from July 5th - September 29th. Same pick up times are available Wednesday or Friday between 10 and 6. Traveling? Gift that week to a friend or neighbor. Just give them the pick up details and they can pick up in your place. What can you expect in the Summer Share? It may contain tender salad greens, cooking greens, bok choy, Napa cabbage, cilantro, radishes, salad turnips, lettuce, and sugarsnap peas like the spring share at first. Then tender bunching roots will start making the scene - carrots and beets. Then more substantial brassicas like cabbage and kohlrabi. Then the fruiting crops will join the mix - cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, and more! New potatoes come in around mid-July. Head lettuces, fennel, radicchio, and summer salad mixes will be represented. There will usually be something from the onion family - scallions, fresh onions, shallots, onions, or garlic. And we try to include a fresh herb each week, too - usually parsley, cilantro, dill, basil, thyme, rosemary, or sage. Add On Shares are available for Summer too!
In this Week's Share:
All is WBF Grown unless otherwise mentioned.
1 bunch Kohlrabi
Choice of 1 Herb:
Cilantro (bunch)
Dill (bunch)
Basil (plant)
1 bag of Baby Bok Choy grown at Kitchen Garden Farm (Western MA)
Choose 2 bags of Greens
All WBF grown
Choice of 2 bunches:
Recipe Idea: Sauté the Baby Bok Choy with Green Garlic, Rhode Island Shiitake Mushrooms, finished with Sriracha serve over rice, quinoa or Sfoglini pasta!
Pick up is Wednesday or Friday, 10 - 6
Detailed pick up instructions can be found at the bottom of this post.

CSA Member Special this week:
Potatoes $2/lb
And as alway, share members receive
10% off White Barn Farm Swag - check out our new T-shirts and Sweatshirts
Add Ons:
Reminder: Add-on shares: bread, eggs, cheese, and mushrooms are pre-paid and separate from the veggies share.
Bread: Dark Rye Pullman Loaf - Iggy's Bread of the World
Cheese: Ballyhoo Brie - Plymouth Cheese Co
Eggs: 1 dozen Eggs from one of our local producers
Mushrooms: Pioppino Mushrooms - Mushroom Recipes! Our mushrooms are from RI Mushroom Co.
*All Add-Ons are subject to producer availability.
And the Farmstand is Open for any edible additions to your share!
Farmstand Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am-6pm
Saturday - Sunday 9am-4pm
Pick up Procedures for the Fall Share
Pick up on your scheduled day any time Wednesday/Friday 10 - 6
Pick up will be under the tent located at 431 South St, Wrentham.
Your items will be self serve so you can choose between options.
Please bring bags and boxes for your items to help us conserve.
We will have a clip board listing the items and the choices in the share.
Please check your name off the list when you pick up.
Add on share items will be located in designated coolers or fridges.
Pick up is Wednesday/Friday from 10 - 6
Thank you so much for support!