May 25 & 27
CSA Member Special this week:
$5 Quarts of local Apples!
Pick up is Wednesday or Friday, 12 - 6
Detailed pick up instructions can be found at the bottom of this post.
Friday Share members: Shawn from the Kitchen at White Barn Farm is planning to be open for business Friday!!
In this Week's Share:
Way more WBF produce than even we were anticipating for this time of year!
2 head of Lettuce
1 Green Garlic
1 bunch Bok Choy
1 bunch Radish
1 bag of Greens
Choose from: Spicy Salad Mix, Arugula, or Super Salad Mix.
1 lb Asparagus or 1 clamshell Fiddleheads - Both are local! This week's Asparagus is grown in collaboration by Upswing Farm and Robinwood Farm in Pepperell, MA. Upswing Farm is currently in the second year of transitioning the Asparagus field to organic management and the Fiddleheads are from White Mountain Forager via Brookford Farm
1lb mixed Beets or Carrots - Brookford Farm
Reiminder: Add-on shares: bread, eggs, cheese, mushrooms and meat are paid for separately from the veggies share. If you would like to be part of our add on shares, please sign up and pay using the QR codes at the farmstand.

Check out this post from the Pilgrim Life:
Greens are best in the early part of the year but sometimes you feel a little maxed out with their goodness! This post has so many easy ways to use them up when you are feeling overwhelmed and a few easy ways to store them for the up coming warm weather! When in doubt, I throw my washed greens in the freezer for future smoothies or soups.
Add Ons: Add on Shares are still available online for purchase. Or purchase at the Farmstand with the posted QR Codes.
4 Ciabatta Long Rolls, Kellies*, Feta Cheese, 1 dozen Eggs, Blue Oyster Mushrooms
*Kellies are Kiebasa Hot Dogs from Pat's Pastured
And the Farmstand is Open for any edible additions to your share, plus we have plants, potting soil, and/or compost for your gardens!
Early Spring Farmstand Hours: Wed - Fri 9am-6pm & Saturdays 9am-5pm
Tuesdays 9am - 6pm starting in June
Pick up Procedures for the Spring Share
Pick up on your scheduled day any time Wednesday/Friday 12 - 6
Pick up will be in the tent located across from 458 South St, Wrentham.
Your items will be self serve so you can choose between options.
Please bring bags and boxes for your items to help us conserve.
We will have a clip board listing the items and the choices in the share.
Please check your name off the list when you pick up.
Add on share items will be located in designated coolers or fridges.
After two years of navigating this public health crisis, we are confident that we can minimize risk to our customers and staff. However, all of our plans are fluid. We may have to change this plan if we feel it is not keeping people safe.
Pick up is Wednesday/Friday from 12 - 6
Thank you so much for support!