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Fall Share 2023: Week 10

December 6 & 8

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Hello Everyone!
Thank you all for such a great first week's transition of retail and CSA customers working together harmoniously to achieve the same purpose. Supporting our farm, getting local produce, and enjoying life!! This week share will be the same style

Pick up under tent - add ons in greenhouse.

*Wednesday Customers, the weather is looking mighty cold for our produce. We have to limit our hours to 10-4 for pick up. If you cannot make it on Wednesday by 4, please stop by either Friday 10 - 6 or Saturday 10 - 2.

Santa is coming this Saturday! To sign up for free photos with Santa, click HERE.

And it's not too early to sign up for the Winter Share. The Winter Share starts on January 3rd and runs for 13 weeks. Sign up now while you can still take advantage of this year's prices.

CSA Member Special this week:

10% discount on all Sfoglini Pasta

Pick up is Wednesday 10 - 4 or Friday, 10 - 6

In this Week's Share:

2lbs Cabbage, variety available, WBF

1 bunch Spinach, WBF

Choose 1 bunch:

Tatsoi or Bok Choy, both WBF

Choose 1 bag:

Kale or Spicy Salad Mix, both WBF

1 Garlic, WBF

2lbs Sweet Potatoes, Riverland Farm

2 Delicata Squash, Sparrow Arc Farm

*This is Farmer Chris' favorite - super easy, do not peel, enjoy!!!!

Add Ons: Add on Shares are purchased separately.

Add on Shares:

Bread: 6 Seven Grain Rolls - Iggy's Bread of the World, Cambridge, MA

Cheese: 2 Goat Cheese - Blue Ledge Farm

Eggs: 1 dozen - One of our local egg producers

Mushrooms: Crimini - RI Mushroom Co, West Kingston, RI

And the Farmstand is Open for any edible additions to your share!

Farmstand Hours: Wed 10am - 4pm

Fri 10am - 6pm

Sat 10am - 2pm


Pick up Procedures for the Fall Share

  • Pick up on your scheduled day any time Wednesday/Friday 10 - 6

  • Pick up will be in the tent at 431 South St, Wrentham. Add ons will be in the tent.

  • Your items will be self serve so you can choose between options.

  • Please bring bags and boxes for your items to help us conserve.

  • We will have a clip board listing the items and the choices in the share.

  • Please check your name off the list when you pick up.

  • Add on share items will be located in designated coolers or fridges.


Pick up is Wednesday/Friday from 10 - 6

Thank you so much for support!


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